Komodo Dragon Vid

Monday, September 14, 2009

Komodos in Captivity

This post will be on Komodo dragons that are in captivity . This post shouldn't be as disgusting as the last one.

Since Komodo Dragons are the largest living species of lizard, they are popular attractions in zoos. Unfortunately, they are quite rare, as they are prone to infections, and they don't reproduce that often. Aww... As of last summer, there were fifty-three zoos that kept komodo dragons, most of them being in North America. In the 1930's, the first komodo dragons that were kept died very quickly, but thankfully, the studies by Walter Auffenberg made their captive lifespan more successful.

Surprisingly, these captive komodos are quite social and even playful. Some keepers, have taken them out of their habitat and allowed them to interact with people. It has been documented that komodo dragons react differently to their ''regular'' and unknown zookeepers.

It has been observed that Komodo Dragons play with objects. At the University of Tennessee, Kraken, the first dragon hatched in captivity outside of Indonesia, was said to have interacted with plastic rings, a bucket, a shoe and a tin can by nudging them, swiping at them and carrying them in her mouth. This type of play is similar to another female in the National Zoo in Washingto D.C. These interactions are not dissimilar to the type of play by mamals.

That was very sweet, eh? A little bit sappy, I guess it shows that they are not all hardened preditors. Hehehe.

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Komodo Vid 2