Komodo Dragon Vid

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random Komodo Dragon Facts

I could not decide what I should write another post about Komodo Dragons on so I decided to do a bunch of random facts about the Komodo Dragon. This should be weirdly interesting ...

  • Komodo Dragons rule supreme on their islands, as there are no other carnivores that fill the neccessary dominant role.

  • Komodo Dragons are also known as Komodo Monitor, but this is quite rare.

  • To the natives of Komodo, Komodo Dragons are called now, which means''land crocodile''

  • Even though Komodo dragons have large, visible Earhole, they do not have a very good sense of hearing. (400-2000 Hz)

  • The Komodo Dragon's teeth can measure up to a whole inch in length.

  • The expidition to Komodo (Post 4) was the inspiration for the movie,''King Kong'', however the giant lizard was changed to an ape, I bet you did not know that.

  • The latest victim to be killed by a Komodo dragon was in March 2009, when Muhammad Anwar fell from a tree, when he suffered from massive bites to his hands, legs, body and neck.

  • Komodo Dragons usualy can live anywhere between 20 to 40 years.
  • During mating season, females can lay up to about 30 eggs.
  • There are between 3000 to 5000 Komodos left in the wild.
  • In the wild, K0modo Dragons are generally solitary creatures, apart from mating season of course.

Well, in tis post, I have surpassed the 1000 mark word. That completes my requirements for my Environmental Studies project, but do not worry, I will hopefully be able to publish more posts on this blog if I get any comments encouraging me to. So thank you very much for reading.

1 comment:

  1. wow cool website, and this is your first, komodo dragons are wicked. Well done :)


Komodo Vid 2